If the carton is damaged, carefully inspect the device for damage, and be sure all accessories necessary to install and operate the device have arrived intact. Carefully check the shipping carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. UNPACKINGĮvery device has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped in perfect operating condition. These instructions contain important safety and use information. Please read and understand the instructions in this manual carefully and thoroughly before attempting to operate this device. 10/02/20 1.1 N/C NO CHANGE Updated box contents, specs update, and refresh frequency 05/28/21 1.2 N/C NO CHANGE Added Standalone instructions to System Menu section G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N INTRODUCTION ELATION PROFESSIONALĪnd all affiliated companies hereby disclaim any and all liabilities for property, equipment, building, and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct or indirect economic loss associated with the use or reliance of any information contained within this document, and/or as a result of the improper, unsafe, insufficient and negligent assembly, installation, rigging, and operation of this product. All non-ELATION brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Product names used in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted.

ELATION PROFESSIONAL logo and identifying product names and numbers herein are trademarks of ELATION PROFESSIONAL. Information, specifications, diagrams, images, and instructions herein are subject to change without notice.

45.2 Related Manuals / Resources ELATION 1236100171 KL Fresnel 8 CW User ManualĪll rights reserved.