Make a test render and review the results.Turn the Dome light to allow the light to come in through the correct windows.Adjust the exposure and resolution in the Preview texture options to fit your needs.Display the HDRI using the Dome light texture viewer in the V-Ray Bridge > Workflow tab of V-Ray.Navigate outside the scene to identify the correct direction of the HDRI lighting and get the best view of your scene.Apply a texture (sun.hdr, included in the downloadable scene files with this tutorial) via the Texture slot.Add a V-Ray Area Dome light and set the Spherical Dome and Use Texture options in the parameters.In part 2 of video 1 (above, beginning at 4:30), Fabio reveals how to: Part 2: Using image-based lighting for daytime interior lighting Use the V-Ray post-production tools to tune the final look of your image.Change the render settings for higher quality renders.Adjust your camera for better focus and how to set the DOF.Soften sharp shadows by changing the intensity of the V-Ray Sun.Make a test render using the V-Ray Frame Buffer and review your test renders.Change the camera parameters including ISO, f-stop and shutter speed.Place Portal lights correctly in the scene and group them.Optimize and speed up the rendering process using Portal lights.Change the sky color by moving the light.Use the V-Ray Sun to light up the scene (and how the V-Ray Sun & Sky features work together in the system).Set up the correct camera view and lock it.In part 1 of video 1 (above), Fabio reveals how to: Part 1: Using the V-Ray Sun & Sky system for daytime interior lighting